RM Analyzer Help

File > Project Settings > Project Info

Definition and modification of basic settings for processing the project, e.g. user defined descriptive texts, applicable design codes, applicable calculation units, etc.

User Interface Mode

Wizard: The project can only be processed by Wizard functions. Only models of standard bridge structures can be processed which can be described by the Wizard functions.

Full-featured: The whole RmBridge GUI is available for processing the project. Arbitrarily complex models accurately describing all special types of bridges can be created by the user.

General Function for definition and modification of design codes and calculation units.
Project Info Function for definition and modification of the project texts to be used
Modeler Options Function for definition of geometry settings for the geometric pre-processor (RmBridge Modeler).
BrIM Options Function for Definition of options for the graphical presentation and data storage in ProjectWise.
Project Information Project text 1: First line of a text describing the project to be used as header in the output listings.

Project text 2: Second line of the header text in output listings.